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Serving at The Shrine
Serving at the Shrine is a great way to spend time on Mount Lemmon, work on your apostolate, and to aide Mary to undo the knots people coming to shrine yearn to have undone.
You may choose to join The Guild of St. Irenaeus to become a Shrine Ambassador, Shrine Guardian, or Shrine Intercessor.
You may choose to serve at The Altar as a Sacristan, altar server, reader, cantor, or pre-service rosary leader.
You may choose to become a Desert Ambassador.
You may wish to help prepare for and/or clean up after Shrine Events.
In any event, the video below gives a feel for how the Shrine became a reality. You may see other ways you could choose to serve Mary and her Mission. Give us a call at 520.576.9653
Mary Undoer of Knots
Explore the Christian faith in the Early Church
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